Amrita Vidyalayam, Ahmedabad participated in the Swachh Bharat Abhiyan Mission “Maru Swachh Aangnu” Competition 2016 organized by the Ahmedabad Municipal Corporation recently in different categories like societies, apartments, schools in the city (State Board & CBSE Board), etc. After the online submission, the schools were visited and inspected by Ward sanitary staff and health officers between December 16th and 22nd. The school was systematically ranked using a checklist prepared by the officials. The function was inaugurated by our Honourable Chief Minister Shri Vijay Rupani on December 25, 2016. With AMMA’s immense grace, out of 76 schools in Ahmedabad, we bagged the 1st Position for Health & Sanitation, and were awarded a certificate and a cash prize of Rs.21,000. The award ceremony was held on December 31, 2016 at Kankaria.